Shoo Flu, Don't Bother Me!
No one wants to get sick. The number one thing that we all can do this
season to smack down the flu bug is to get the flu shot of course! Our
Covenant experts have provided a countdown of six additional tips to
avoid the flu this season.
Come on folks, we learned this one in kindergarten. “The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then discard the tissue immediately and wash your hands,” says Jennifer Jarabeck, RN, Employee Health. “If you don’t have a tissue available, cough/sneeze into your upper sleeve/elbow, not your hands.”
Yes, your home, car or office can make you sick. “The flu virus can live on surfaces, so it is important to clean frequently-touched items,” says Bethany Guerrero, a nurse and Infection Prevention Lead. Think about how many times a day you touch the steering wheel in your car, door handles,
counters, phones, shopping carts and laptop or desktop keyboards. During flu season, make Lysol® your best friend!
4. EAT
Now hold on, this isn’t the time to reach for the honey bun. “Eat a healthy, nutrient-rich diet,” says Guerrero. This will help your body fight off germs – specifically the pesky flu bug.
Experts say physical activity for at least 20 minutes a day flushes bacterium from the lung and will help produce more antibodies in the bloodstream, which aid in fighting viruses.
Get some sleep, preferably not at your desk. Guerrero points out that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends ”seven to nine hours of sleep a night for adults.” Adequate rest helps to boost your immune system.
All of the Covenant flu experts agree that the number one
tip for fighting the flu in addition to the flu shot is…
“Wash your hands before and after all meals.
Wash your hands after bathroom breaks.
Wash your hands whenever soiled.
Minimize your hand-to-face contact.” says Alan
Spencer, Director of Patient Safety and Quality.
If you need a convenient way to get the flu shot, you can visit one of our Covenant MedExpress locations.
Posted Date: 10/22/2019