About the Foundation
On December 1, 1998, the merger of the Saginaw General Hospital Fund, Inc. and the St. Luke's Hospital Foundation became official to recognize Covenant HealthCare Foundation as a subsidiary of Covenant Medical Center. Covenant HealthCare Foundation retained the IRS 501(c)3 status of St. Luke's Hospital Foundation, which allowed Covenant HealthCare Foundation to receive charitable gifts and offer donors a tax deduction for their gift(s).
Our promise to provide extraordinary care always stands.
The purpose of Covenant HealthCare Foundation is to secure individual, private and community support for the Covenant HealthCare Medical Center and the numerous activities and programs that serve to fulfill the mission of Covenant HealthCare. As changes in government regulations cause reimbursement of health care costs to shrink, it has become increasingly important for the Foundation (like other hospital-based foundations) to find alternative resources that will allow us to continue to provide the high caliber of care the community has come to expect.
Our Mission: The Covenant HealthCare Foundation is established to support the Covenant Medical center by accepting gifts and providing stewardship of charitable funds received from the Covenant HealthCare constituency. That is, to improve the quality of life for the patient population in the East Central region of Michigan. Covenant HealthCare is proud to be a resource within the health care community and the community-at-large that adheres to standards of excellence in providing patient care, technology, and education.
A volunteer Board of Directors, representing the diversity of the Saginaw County business community, guides the Foundation. The Foundation Board meets quarterly to fund proposals for the Medical Center and to set policy that governs the operation of the Foundation. On a daily basis, the Foundation staff is dedicated to serving our constituents by recognizing gifts received, providing stewardship of such charitable funds, and coordinating fund-raising activities and events.
We extend an invitation to you to make an investment in the future of health care in the East Central Michigan region by making a gift to Covenant HealthCare Foundation.