4 healthy habits to maintain after bariatric surgery

You made the choice to have bariatric surgery. You consulted your doctor and went through the pre-procedure steps. You weighed the benefits and risks. You talked to you family and friends. You prepared yourself and your home.

After undergoing a life-altering procedure like bariatric surgery, there is one more important choice you have to make – the choice to start your post-surgery life on the right foot.

Follow these four simple steps to keep looking and feeling your best:

1. Walk the walk

After bariatric surgery, it’s important to get up and moving within a couple of days. Your surgeon will likely recommend walking as a low-impact form of exercise. Whether you get out for a morning walk or have your friends, family or kids join you on an evening stroll, walking can help you recover and continue to maintain your new weight. 

2. Practice portion control

A bariatric portion is about half the size of a standard portion. While this may require a shift in mindset, you should pay close attention to portion sizes after surgery. Luckily, your body is a great tool for measuring hunger and fullness. Listen to the signals it’s giving you and don’t overdo. 

3. Prevent pouch stretching

To keep your stomach from stretching out and triggering hunger signals, there are some steps you should take when it comes to snacking and fluids. While it’s important to drink fluids and take daily vitamins post-surgery, you should avoid carbonated beverages and drinking fluids during or directly after meals. Additionally, if you’re struggling with hunger between meals, eating small, healthy snacks can keep you from overeating at meal time and risking your stomach.

4. Accept support

Support groups can be a great tool for patients before, during and after surgery. You might learn something new or make a friend. If you do click with someone in a support group, consider becoming accountability partners. Whether you work out together or exchange numbers and simply check in periodically, having someone in your position who understands the process can benefit both of you.     

Are you considering undergoing bariatric surgery or looking for post-surgery support? Our extraordinary team is here for you every step of the way. It’s part of the reason the Covenant Bariatric and Metabolic Center was named the most preferred MBSAQIP-accredited facility in the Great Lakes Bay Region.

Find a bariatric support group meeting on our Covenant Calendar.

Posted Date: 1/16/2018

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