Top 10 Flu Fighting Tips

BJ Helton with infection prevention at Covenant HealthCare shares her Top 10 Checklist to help you prevent being infected with the influenza virus.
# 10: Get plenty of rest.
# 9: Eat plenty and a variety of fruits and vegetables.
# 8: Drink lots of water.
# 7: Stay active; exercise.
# 6: Don’t share personal objects: utensils, cups, bottles, telephones, etc.
# 5: Disinfect personal objects often: telephones, purses, doorknobs, keyboards, etc.
# 4: Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing using a tissue or the inside of your elbow or upper arm.
# 3: Stay home if you are sick to avoid infecting others.
# 2: Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
And, the # 1 way to fight the flu virus this season: get your annual flu shot.

For more flu fighting tips, visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Posted Date: 1/26/2018

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