Staff and Students

Amy, Staff Chaplain, is a graduate of Covenant’s Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) residency
program and is endorsed by the Christian Churches / Churches of Christ. She graduated from
Central Christian College of the Bible (MO) with a Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership and
has also taken graduate courses at Lincoln Christian University and Cornerstone Theological
Seminary. Prior to chaplaincy, Amy served at a Christian camp, overseeing programs for retreats
and for summer camps. Additionally, she has led church youth programs and has participated in
outreach service trips. Amy and her husband are blessed with two adult daughters. Her family
also includes a dog, Sammy, and a cat, Pepperwood. In her free time, Amy enjoys reading a
variety of literature. She is honored to be a part of the Covenant HealthCare Team.

Ashley, a Saginaw native, joined Covenant’s Department of Pastoral Care and Education in
August of 2024 as the Administration Associate. She earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism
and communications from Eastern Michigan University. With a lifelong passion and love for
storytelling and writing, Ashley worked as a journalist for MLive and as an entertainment writer
for media publications—gaining a reputation for her intentional approach to interviews with
industry figures and cultural commentary. Growing up in a family with
generational dedication to education and Christ, she was saved in 2016 and is a member of
Apostolic Life Church of Bay City. In her free time, Ashley enjoys collecting comic books,
cooking, baking, loving on her German Shepherd puppies Apollo and Rocket, and spending time
with her family. Ashley can be reached at 989-583-6042.

Clever is a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Resident Chaplain for the 2024 – 2025 academic
year. He is originally from Harare, Zimbabwe. Clever earned his master’s degree in Ministerial
Studies Education Concentration from Global University and bachelor’s in Bible and Theology
from Pan Africa Christian University. Before entering this program, Clever served in various
pastoral and theological education positions in Zimbabwe and South Africa from 2009 – August
2023. His experience in a cross-cultural ministry context in South Africa helped locate his
position in the field of Practical Theology. At heart, Clever is both a pastoral counselor and
theological educator who values theological reflection upon ministry practice, with a special
concern for social justice, and children and emphasis on Christian and theological education. He
is passionately dedicated and committed to seeing Christian academic education institutions
providing education and training that enables church ministers and community practitioners to
engage their community, reflect theologically and biblically, and construct ministry responses
that brings healing and transformation.

Elsie feels honored and blessed to serve as an occasional chaplain at Covenant HealthCare after completing her four units of CPE residency in August 2021. She has brought a variety of experiences from her diverse pastoral background. As a pastor's daughter, Elsie has served in outreach programs across rural southern India and serves as a volunteer hospice chaplain. She spent 18 years in the quality engineering industry before being called into full-time vocational ministry. Elsie completed her BA in Ministries and BS in Community Development from Central Michigan University. She is continuing her education in Christian Leadership and Church Ministries. Elsie is ordained by the FRC/IAC chaplain’s network. Elsie completed her previous CPE unit from the Spiritual Living Center for Education and Training. She is passionate about people and caring for others in need. Elsie enjoys spending time with her daughter Sheena, her dog Missy, and two cats, Max and Jack.

Gabriel, Duty Chaplain, is a licensed minister in the Church of the Brethren. Previously, he was a Clinical Pastoral Education intern at Covenant HealthCare. He graduated from Bethany Theological Seminary in 2023 with his Master of Divinity. In addition to chaplaincy, Gabriel works as a minister at a local church and helps lead a campus ministry. He grew up in the Great Lakes Bay region, and enjoys visiting his family who lives out West, walking trails throughout Michigan, and catching up on his reading list.

Janet, Staff Chaplain, is an Elder in the United Methodist Church and is endorsed as a chaplain by The United Methodist Endorsing Agency. She brings several different areas of experience with her. Janet has earned ten units of accredited clinical pastoral education with a specialized focus in adult behavioral health. She served the local church for seventeen years as a pastor, six years as a Life & Safety Officer at Wichita State University, two- and one-half years at the Department of Corrections and seven years in The United States Air Force. While serving in the military she had the opportunity to live overseas in Japan and South Korea. Janet earned her Master of Divinity at St. Paul School of Theology and BA from Southwestern College, Kansas. She grew up in Indiana and lived in Kansas for several years after serving in the military. She enjoys spending time with family, fishing, gardening, and her toy poodle, Teddy.

Jeff is a graduate of the Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) internship and residency programs here at Covenant and served as a duty chaplain before coming on staff full-time. Jeff received a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Akron. He spent five years working in the engineering field before being called into full-time vocational ministry. Jeff and his family moved from Ohio to Michigan in 2000 so he could attend Grand Rapids Theological Seminary where he earned a Master of Divinity degree in 2004. Jeff has pastored three churches and was ordained in 2009. He has served as a fire chaplain, hospice chaplain, and marketplace chaplain. Jeff and his wife have three children. He is a sports fan and enjoys running, skiing, golf, and yardwork. His dream is to play a round of golf at St. Andrews, the Old Course in Scotland.

Kathy, Director of the Pastoral Care Department, is a deacon in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She brought a variety of experiences to the role of director in July 2007, including being a high school math teacher, college professor, and Hospice volunteer. During her chaplaincy training, Kathy did her CPE internship at Gunderson Lutheran Medical Center (in La Crosse, WI) and her CPE residency at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center (in Toledo, OH). For her Master of Arts in Diaconal Ministry she specialized in hospital chaplaincy, and her Ph.D. is in Curriculum & Instruction. Kathy can be reached at 989.583.6037.

Lafayette gained ministry knowledge by attending Midwest Bible College in Pontiac, MI. He
completed his 1st unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) in 2014 and joined Covenant’s
Department of Pastoral Care and Education as an occasional duty chaplain in October 2015. In
2014, Lafayette was installed as the second pastor of the 63-yearold congregation of the historic
Bethlehem Baptist Church of Saginaw. Along his journey serving in ministry, he has been ordained
and appointed as the Chairman of the Deacon Board, licensed and ordained as a minister. In
December of 2023, Lafayette became a full-time duty chaplain; and in May of 2024, Lafayette
completed his 2nd unit of CPE here at Covenant.

Liz is serving Covenant as a Palliative Care Fellow (2024-2025) through the Clinical Pastoral
Education (CPE) program. She recently completed her first-year residency at the University of
Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor. In 2017, she pursued her CPE internship at Servants of the Sick
Training Center in Nairobi, Kenya. Prior to discovering her passion for chaplaincy, Liz worked
in higher education, holding various roles including the Assistant Director of Campus Ministry
and Director of Residence Life at Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana. She earned her
Bachelor of Science in Biology and Psychology at Saint Mary’s College and later pursued her
Master of Divinity at Loyola University Chicago. In her free time, Liz enjoys family time,
running, and spending time with her bulldog, Oscar.

Ron, CPE Program Manager, Department Pastoral Care & Education, is an Elder in the Church of the Nazarene. He retired as an Active Duty Army Chaplain (Colonel) in 2022 and held hospital chaplain positions at every level of Army Medicine concluding his career as command chaplain to the U.S. Army Medical Command and Army Surgeon General. His CPE Residency was at Madigan Army Medical Center, his ACPE Certification Education Training at Brooke Army Medical Center where he was the CPE Program Manager and Director of Ministry and Pastoral Care. Ron earned his Bachelor of Arts, Religion from Asbury College, Master of Divinity from Nazarene Theological Seminary, and his Doctor of Ministry from Erskine Theological Seminary. Ron is passionate about Practical Theology and ACPE Clinical Pastoral Education. He can be reached at 989.583.4279.

Roy is serving Covenant as a resident and a duty chaplain. He married Delicia and is the father
of Destiny and Dakari. He’s a 1987 graduate of Saginaw High and earned his Bachelor of Arts
degree from Cheyney University of Pennsylvania. He earned his Master of Education in
educational administration and an endorsement in emotional impairments from Saginaw Valley
State University. In 2018, he completed a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) internship and
received his CPE certification of 1 unit from Covenant’s CPE program. He has been an educator
at Saginaw High School for nearly 25 years and retired in 2020. Roy received leadership training
with the Chamber of Commerce in Leadership Saginaw County, 1000 Leaders, and the Great
Lakes Bay African American Leadership. Roy is ordained clergy in the Church of God in Christ
and serves in the capacity of Superintendent of Christian Education at the Lewis Temple COGIC
where he was trained in ministry under the leadership of Bishop Fred Lewis. Roy served as
Interim Pastor at the 9th Street Community Church (Mennonite) of Saginaw from 2020-2023. He
is also a coach and mentor for the youth of Saginaw City.

Thanmi currently serves as a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Chaplain Resident for the 2024-
25 term. Originally from India, he earned his Master of Arts in Christian Ministry (2024) from
Baylor University, Texas, and his Bachelor of Divinity (2018) from Serampore University, India.
Throughout his academic journey, Thanmi was deeply engaged in church and student ministry,
where he developed a passion for pastoral care and leadership. He previously served as a
Resident Chaplain for undergraduate students at Baylor University, an experience that
profoundly shaped his ministry. An avid lover of worship through music, Thanmi has actively led
worship in church and student ministry contexts. His interests include music, spending time with
family, and exploring new places.

Wally completed his first unit of CPE here at Covenant and now is a duty chaplain. He is
furthering his pastoral care education by interning in Covenant’s 2024-2025 resident program.
Wally received his Bachelor of Arts in Theology from Southern Indiana Baptist College in 2008
and is currently pursuing his Master of Divinity from Grace Theological Seminary in Winona
Lake, IN. He was ordained for pastoral ministry in 2010. Wally has served as Lead Pastor of a
local church ministry in Lapeer County for almost ten years and as an Associate Pastor in
Genesee County for nine years. Most recently, Wally has served as Lead Chaplain in two
Michigan county jails and is currently a hospice chaplain in Flint. Wally and his wife Jennifer
have been married for 30 years and have four adult children and two grandchildren. Wally has
been a high school football and basketball official with the MHSAA for the last twenty years.